Dr. Strangelove – or how I can’t stop analyizing and just enjoy the journey instead.

I was on the phone to my seventeen year old son who was laughing at me. Not that unusual a scenario for us I have to say. We were discussing Dune (the most recent movie version of the Frank Herbert novels), it’s a film that he loves visually and thematically. I still really like the …

Lockdown (not my usual ramble, more of a mental snap shot.)

Everyone has had to change the way they live over the course of the last year or so. I know it’s been harder on some than others, I know it’s had more impact on some than others, but it’s been a strange and difficult year for most of us. Some people have revelled in it …

Semi-Unskinny-Prime (or welcome to overthinking)

So I have to do another little piece about music but don’t worry, it’s not going to be a repeat of last time. It starts a little strangely, I got up this morning and inexplicably had a Stevie Wonder song wandering around in my brain. But me being me, this led to thinking about the …

I was dreaming when I wrote this so sue me if I….What did I mean to say?

The human brain is an absolute scunner. If you’re not sure what scunner means, it’s a Scottish word for a numpty. If you’re not sure what a numpty is, see scunner. Right about now you’re probably feeling scunnered and we’re only at the first paragraph. Anyway, the reason I got thinking about the brain being …

The Difficult Second Album.

It was intense enough to be stressful. A feeling that was at once both enjoyable but also mind blowing. It wasn’t like anything else that had happened before but strangely enough it wasn’t the first time it had happened (and it would happen again with some regularity). I was eighteen years old and had just …

a foray back into writing

it may not be worthy but it might be wordy

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